Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Tutorial Create a Gradient Background

Tutorial to make a gradient background is an interesting tutorial. In this tutorial we will learn to create a gradient background but homemade ...

Without the length and width and not use old (GPL) let's create a gradient!

1. Run the Photoshop program.
How: Start -> All Programs -> Adobe Photoshop


2. Create a new Worksheet
How: press [Ctrl] + [N]
You can make your own arrangements, but
Here I set it like this:
Name = Gradient
preset Sazes = 800 x 600
Width = 800
Height = 600
Resolution = 72 pixels / inch
Mode = RGB Color
Contents = Transparent (* recommended)
Press [ok]

2. Then click the Gradient Tool with the image icon on the tool box to the left

Gradient Tool
3. On the next screen on the properties of the gradient contained

Click left on the parts that I give a circle so that the dialog box appears
Gradient Editor
This is the normal setting on my computer

4. Now is the time to edit the desired gradient, as an example I will make a gradient
"red - black - red - black - red"
Change Name = red - black - red - black - red
Gradient Type = Solid
Smoothness = 100%

Click the circle with no. 1
Then into the circle and select the color red no.2 [OK]


Same as previous step
but this time at no. 4 black color you select [OK]


still the same but this time at no. 6 select colors red


Same, change the color no. 8 to be black


Same, change the color no. 10 into the red

The result:

After that click the New button on the Gradient Editor dialog is
And So deh ........
You can develop it yourself according to your creativity

A little extra
Try to make your fashion gradian
There are 5 kind of gradient mode:

a. Linear Gradient
Gradient direction of the straight line
On Worksheet left click and hold the brush from left to right, the result:

b. Radial Gradient
Gradient as if emerging from the center of a circle

c. Gradient Angle
Gradient with a certain angle but still centered on the core
The result:

d. Reflected Gradient
Just as linear but with reverse effect

e. Diamond Gradient
Gradient with the effects of a rhombus / diamond
The result:

By controlling the gradient technique it will make your design more attractive and tangible



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