Selasa, 12 April 2011

Beauty By Design Logo STYLE

I will share about the STYLE properties owned by Photoshop and will try to create a beautiful logo design. Style is a combination of several effects that exist in the Blending Options to form a package of interesting effects. We will try to make a beautiful logo designs with STYLE ......

This tutorial uses Photoshop CS
so upgrade first to the Photoshop CS or higher 

The steps are:

1. Create a new file with a size  

2. After the screen comes up new work, Make a circle using ellipses Tool. Do not forget when we make a circle hold the SHIFT key is not skewed for a circle / oval

Note: Color circle depends on the foreground, do not question ...
3. Make sure you are still active in the Circle Layer  

4. Show Window Style...
Click Menu Window> Styles, after the style window appear then you just choose (click) the appropriate effect, with automatic color and style of the object will change according to the style you choose, if there are still options that have been less suitable then you can display the style another by clicking the arrow on the corner of the window style, then there will appear a few other options to stylenya (one of the Web Style, which we use to design the logo above)

Note: For WEB STYLE owned only version of Photoshop CS and above so if you still use Photoshop 7 then upgrade........

Results> after you choose a style of window styles PURPLE GEL    

5. Make a new circle using the Ellipse Tool
Change the color and transparency circle
Description: To change the color circle 2x click on Layer Thumbnail (marked letter A pd picture above) then color picker window will appear - select the color white and then OK, reduce the transparency of the circle by reducing the opacity to 20% (marked letter B pd image above) 

7. Select the Custom Shape Tool to add a floral decoration on the logo

Click Shape in Propeti Bar> Select Motif Bunga (Flower 1) or you can choose according to your taste

8. Make as many as four Shape
- Shape 1 and 2: You set the position, size and opacity (20%)
- Shape 3 and 4: Add some basic effects that look more beautiful ..
Click Layer> Layer Style> Blending Options
Select Gradient Overlay: set according to the color you like ..
Select Stroke: set Color: White and Size: 3 Px
8. Finally you simply add the text in it ......


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