Kamis, 14 April 2011

Photoshop Photo Effects Ghosts

this time we will learn to create a ghost effect with Photoshop, interested ...
Adobe Photoshop is the program exceptional image editing, Photoshop to manipulate photos and create imagination and another picture from a photo ...

Let us begin the steps:

1. Choose a good picture on the box-katik aja. I chose this one,

Save the image on the computer as an example of the exercise files
And manipulation that I do is "remove the head "!!!!

2. Make a duplicate layer and name into the layer.

In doing background hidden by removing the eye image on the layer.

3. Do pennyeleksian on the image you want in manupulasi.

Select the Quick Selection Tool to make selection

4. Move your pointer on the head area

click to make selection
5. Press delete to delete the selection. Make sure the front of the active layer.

6. Non enable selection, by pressing Ctrl + D, deselection.

Continue with 'fillings' the severed head by way of cloning on the Clone Stamp Tool depan.Pilih layer
7. Once selecting the Clone Stamp Tool,

press the Alt key after the exit sign as above click on the picture to be taken clone. Set opacity 75% and flow 75% (as needed)

8. Perform cloning slowly by taking clones picture closest to the area 'fillings'.

Right-click, set the hardness of 0%, diameter follow the cloning region.
9. After cloning
like the picture above it. For maximum results in cloning set the opacity is smaller and larger diameter.

10. The following steps,

switch on the pen tool, and do create anchor points on the collar as shown below.
Set the color resembles the color of clothes to wear eyedropper tool

11. After closing the anchor point, select the layer-Resterize-Shape.

Rename the layerbecomes kerah.Tekan ctrl and click on the layer collar to get the selection

12. Activate the Brush Tool,
 and select a color with Color picker over the darker 30% as in circle

13. Wipe the brush on the inside of the collar, so that appears to have a spare collar like the picture.

Press Ctrl + D after completion Brushing 14 For the last step to do bluring with the Blur tool on the outside of the collar.

Results Finally: Less More like this:
 Hopefully Helpful ... ^ _ ^



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